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South Bergenite - 11/30/2017

RUTHERFORD - Drawing inspiration from Julia, the first Sesame Street character with autism, Rutherford will host a series of "Mix It Up" playgroup dates, aiming to bring kids of all abilities together for socialization and play.

"Sesame Street found this very non-frightening way to be very accepting of someone who is different ... but who is just a kid like everyone else, and wants to play and have friends," said Borough Councilwoman Stephanie McGowan, the Access for All liaison and chair.

The goal is to promote integrated socialization, a structured play-date for uniquely abled and typical children. The Rutherford Recreation Department was approached by local parent Annika Cioffi, who was looking for a program like one she visited in Lyndhurst, but more geared towards younger children.

"I wanted Alexi to have a chance to play with other children in town that she doesn't get to meet, because she's been out-of-district since she was three," said Cioffi.

Alexi, 11, now has the chance to make friends in the borough.

"Every playdate or birthday party you're invited to could be a half-hour away, because she is invited by kids from school, and didn't have friends here. This is something for your kid to do where they can meet kids their own age, and in the process, they're teaching the local kids what special needs are."

Mix It Up will be held in the Tamblyn Field Civic Center from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Dec. 3, 10 and 17. A $10 fee is requested. A bottle of water will be provided. Activity stations include arts and crafts, Nerf games, obstacle courses, karaoke and dancing, bubbles, card games, life skills program and more.

"The hope is many of our uniquely abled children go out of district for school. How do they get to meet people in town? How do they get to feel like they are part of the community? What better way to do it then to take a page out of the Sesame Street handbook: just provide the opportunity," said McGowan.

The playgroup can also serve as a learning experience. Cioffi recalled that on one day, she was in the downtown event and other children were looking funnily at her daughter.

"Instead of just giving them the stink eye, I said, 'Hey, do you wonder why she's doing that?' and the kids said 'yea.' It's always an opportunity to explain," Cioffi said. "I told them, 'She has autism. Do you know what that is? She has the same brain that you do, but she cannot talk the way you do, but has the same feelings.'"

Guidance during the playgroups will be provided by a special-needs teacher and volunteers from Felician University, said Recreation Director Barbara Bennett.

Mix It Up is modeled after a similar program in Lyndhurst and a co-op from Rutherford, that rotates volunteer parents, allowing them to work side-by-side and get to know their children's friends, said Cioffi.

"Everyone is helping together, fostering the kids to be social together," she said.

Additional Rutherford program dates could be added in springtime, based on interest.