Helping Children Get Along

Things You Can Do

Help Children Get Along

  • All children need their parents’ love, time and attention to feel secure and learn their parents’ values. Spend time with your child and know where she is when she isn’t with you.
  • Teach your child to respect people from different races and cultures. Visit or
  • Start a parent group at work or school, or in your neighborhood or religious organization.
  • If you are worried about your child, talk to her doctor, teacher or school counselor. Call National Mental Health Association.

Safety in Our Schools and Communities

Work to make communities safer for all children and prevent gun violence and gangs. For more information, call Children’s Defense Fund or National Crime Prevention Council.

Conflict Resolution Programs

Many schools have conflict resolution programs. These programs help children learn to solve their problems peacefully. Call Talking with Kids or visit or

Television, Video Games and Violence

Try to keep children away from TV programs, video games and computer games that show violence and aggression. The violence can frighten young children. It sets a bad example for dealing with anger, and it can lead to violent behavior.