Being a Parent

Things You Can Do

Tips for Parents

  • Be patient with each other. Having a new baby can be stressful.
  • Spend some time together each night after your baby goes to sleep.
  • Take turns doing the hardest tasks.
  • After breastfeeding has become easy, you may want to pump or express some of your milk into a bottle so Dad can help feed the baby.
  • Let the little things go. It’s more important to enjoy being with your new baby than to have a perfect house.
  • Plan some family outings, so you don’t feel trapped in the house.
  • Share chores and talk about who does what.
  • Give each other little breaks—like time for a bath or a moment alone.
  • Don’t forget romance. Even if you aren’t ready to have sex, let your partner know he or she is attractive to you.
  • If you argue, try to stay focused on what’s bothering you. Tell your partner clearly why you are upset. Listen carefully and try not to blame.

Nurture Your Baby

  • Protect your infant from too much noise and from glaring lights.
  • Create comforting routines for feeding, diapering, naps, hellos and good-byes.
  • Talk to your baby in a soothing voice and use simple words.
  • Respond promptly to your baby’s smiles, coos, gestures and cries.
  • When your baby cries, pick him up, cuddle and comfort him.
  • For more information on early childhood, call National Parent Info Network. Visit Parents Action and First 5 California.

Adoption and Foster Care

All children need a loving home. Think about becoming an adoptive or foster parent. Call Adoption and Foster Care.