Category: Controls

Delay Timer.

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--- "DO IT YOURSELF" ENTRY ------- PURPOSE: Delay timer allows switch to stay on for one to eleven seconds even if the switch is only activated briefly. A simple electronic circuit is constructed on a micro miniature prepunched perfboard and placed into a small box. Twenty-two gauge stranded wire is arranged on the perfboard and soldered into place. Resistors, 9 volt battery, electrolytic capacitor, audio transistor, potentiometer and mini relays are also soldered into place. The circuit board is put into a box and holes are drilled to allow the plug and jack to pass to the outside. To use the timer, plug it into any adapted toy or tape player and plug the switch into the jack. Includes diagrams. COMMENTS: Radio Shack stock numbers are given for many parts needed. SKILLS REQUIRED: Soldering. AUTHOR: Burkhart, L J TITLE: More Homemade Battery Devices for Severely Handicapped Children with Suggested Activities REF: Millville, Pennsylvania: Linda J Burkhart: p 49-52 NARIC CALL NUMBER: R2509 PAGES (including cover): 5 1982.


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