Caring for Your Infant

Things You Can Do

Caring for Your Baby

  • Hug, cuddle and kiss your baby. This helps his brain grow and helps him develop self-esteem.
  • Talk, read, sing and play with your baby—it’s how he learns. Visit and
  • Routines, like feeding, changing diapers and bathing, are times to enjoy being with your infant. Relax, chat or sing with your baby as you care for him.
  • Put your baby to sleep on his back unless your doctor tells you otherwise.
  • Don’t let your baby sleep with you if you’ve been drinking or using drugs that make you sleep deeply. You could roll over on your baby and hurt him because you don’t wake up.
  • Always be gentle with your baby. Shaking or hitting a baby can cause brain damage or even death.
  • Pay attention to your baby’s moods. An alert infant is ready to play. An infant who looks away may need rest. A fussy baby may need comfort.
  • If your baby is not interested in playing with you or does not respond, talk to your doctor or call California Early Start.

Infant Colic

Babies with colic cry harder and longer than other babies. Colic is very common, but it usually ends by about 3 months. Most babies with colic are healthy. But if you are worried, talk to your doctor.
To help prevent crying, try not to tire your baby, especially in the late afternoon and evening. If she starts to frown, yawn, turn red, squirm or whimper, take her somewhere quiet and dark to help her calm down.


Babies need a series of shots to protect them from dangerous childhood diseases and to enroll in child care and school. Talk to your health care provider. Call Health Care or National Immunization Hotline.

Secondhand Smoke

Infants’ lungs are still developing. Breathing smoke can cause illness, asthma or Sudden Infant Death (SIDS). Never let anyone smoke in your house or car or around your baby.